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WY Wong of New York, national president, will be in charge of the meetings. Joe Locke, Seattle restaurant operator, is national secretary. The Association was organized as a protective tong 90 years ago in San Francisco. Locke said the the ''tong'' designation was eliminated many years ago. Guest speakers include WA State Lieut. Skipping any part will result in a lesser understanding and ability!

Video files may take 2 - 3 minutes when loading the first time. Your correspondence is welcome. Roger D. Hagood Pingshan Town Guangdong, China. Email RDH here! Back Top Next. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Hakka Mantis Courses. Southern Mantis Press. Our Ancestral Shrine. Our Ancestral Record. Lam Becomes Monkey. Lam Sifu's History. Photo Gallery. Video Gallery. Bamboo Temples Map. Abridged China History. Ralph Mitchell was one of the first non-chinese students to learn the art of Jook Lum, and has continued to carry the art ever since. This school was founded by Mark Ahlert, now 6th generation inner door disciple.

Mark has been teaching privately for many years, and has opened his classes to the public in more recent years. He offers public kung fu classes for children and adults, as well as private sessions in kung fu, kundalini yoga, and native philosophy. The Rome branch of our association was born in , when Sifu Alessandro Cossu made his first visit to St. Paul to meet Master Mark.

Though he had extensively studied other forms of traditional Chinese martial arts, Sifu Cossu was so impressed by Master Mark that he decided to dedicate himself to learning and teaching his style. Sifu Cossu and several of his most dedicated students have been returning annually to refine their skills in this art.


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